Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Blood Pressure Away...

It was just another ordinary Friday, after lunch, I went back to get some stuff and accidentally left my phone in the car. I was too lazy to go get since I'll be going to get my brother in like 15 minutes time.

I was just too tired that day, and when I was about to doze off, a phone call woke me up. (Yeah, we have a house phone.)

It was my Dad!!!! The news that he brought me just struck me that instant, right straight to my heart. He told me that my Mum was admitted to the hospital. She had very high high-blood-pressure :: 210!!!!

That moment, I was in the midst of clearing my thoughts. Was I in a nightmare? *Pinch* Nope! I'm definitely not. There were a lot of things running through my mind.

To be honest, my mum is a very healthy person. She exercise regularly, eat really healthily too! She doesn't eat oily stuffs, only lean meat. She was even a vegetarian for almost 20 years before she got too weak without enough nutrients.

I just grabbed everything and rushed to the car. The moment I got my phone, I saw 6 messages & 6 Miss Calls. Before I get to read any of the messages, Piggy called. He told me that alot of people are looking for me. I teared the moment I heard that. I was so afraid that something will happen to my mum. I just can't think straight anymore. For a whole 2 minutes, I just sat in the car, crying...I called my brother and told him I'm coming to get him.

Long story short, Piggy got off work early and all of us went back home straight. It was seriously very scary to hear that my mum was admitted. It took us about an hour plus to reach S'ban, just in time to get into the hospital before their visiting hours are over. I have no idea where to go to, so I consult the Emergency Unit people which lead me to the guards. The guards were not helpful at all, instead they were really utterly rude! Damn U Biatch! Instead of helping me, I got scolded. So yeah, I found my way to the ward where my mum was treated. 

I saw my aunt sitting there, waiting patiently for her. After some time, I got to know that mummy was getting her eyes checked as she got headache and blurry vision. I managed to talk to her and I would really like to thank that doctor for doing check ups for my mum even though it's after working hours. Thank You.

Merely after that, mum was brought down to the semi-critical ward. The doctors checked her blood pressure and saw that it has gone down to 138 (still high but much lower than before), they discharged her. And I was relieved. She was too. She doesn't like to stay over in the hospital.


With what have occurred that day, I got to see how much my brother cared for my mum. He was very very worried. So was I. Both of us was just in despair and lost. Piggy was there to comfort us.

Taken during CNY short trip to PD. 
Mummy, regardless of whatever it may be, all of us will be there for you. Be strong k? I love you a lot. Really really a lot. All of us love you a lot.

Appreciate whatever you have in front of you. 

I'm really thankful that my mum is better now. Thank God!  

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