Wednesday, February 11, 2009


At the moment, I'm rather confused and blur with my future. Others would have aim by now or they are already pursuing their dream; as for me, things are still blurry and I have no idea what I want to do next.

It is for sure that I'm not gonna continuing working without a degree. Since it has come to this stage where I need to make decisions like what I have done 2 years back where I just finish my A-levels. Sigh. I know I wont' be able to continue my current course, so what should I choose? Business? Hospitality? Mass Comm? Argh! I don't know!!! HAve to really sit down and think about it.

Anyway, I'm sick...=(
Got a massive headache yesterday while at work. Tried taking panadols but didn't seem to work though. Came back to the apartment after dinner and slept off. LOL. I woke up around 11pm (i think), thinking of going Yumcha but then...sigh...tak jadi. I tried going back to sleep but sad to say...I can't. I flipped and turned a few times...then tried counting stars/sheeps...but still can 't sleep. So...I just lie down there, facing the ceiling and 'day dream' until I fell asleep. *Stupid*

Took an MC today, so it's like getting a day off. After last nite sleep, I'm feeling much better now. Pig is sicked too! He had fever and cough and running nose. So sam tong to see him like that. He went and see doc and took MC as well, so hopefully he'll recover soon. He's still sleeping

I've gotta ciao now. Hungry...wanna go eat. =) Bye people!

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