Monday, October 19, 2009

∆ Change ∆


The definition I got from my Management subject is "Alteration to status quo".
Basically, I feel that it's just more of alteration, difference in norm.

Time changes, every milliseconds, every second, every minute, every hour; so does LIFE~!

I have about a week from my finals now, then I'm done with my Year 1, First Semester. Come to think of it, sometimes it's a pathetic situation. Knowing very well that I can finish my final year by now, but yet I can't do so due to certain circumstances. How could it change to be like that?

Again, it involves change.

Like what I was taught today, without change, there will not be any improvement in life or anything else. Innovation fork out new ideas that can be improved.

*Result of 3 hours of Management in a day*

Relationship, friendship...can change, for the better or worse. It cannot be accurately predicted of what the future may be, all you can foresee is just how the situation MIGHT be moulded with the given scenario.

Life is precious.
This lifetime only comes once.
Live it to the fullest~!
Believe and have faith.

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